10 Superstars Who Could Take WWE Title Off Brock Lesnar

2. Matt Riddle

Brock Lesnar Adam Cole

For months now, Matt Riddle has been goading Goldberg. From scathing tweets and awkward backstage interactions to incorporating Goldberg’s trademark moves into his matches, it’s hard to know how much is a work and how much is ‘The Original Bro’ going into business for himself. Either way, it all seems to point towards an eventual showdown.

Given Riddle’s overt obnoxious digs and the veteran looking to shore up his legacy, you’d expect Goldberg to pick up the win if and when they do meet. However, if WWE can persuade Goldberg to take the loss, it would be a huge victory for Riddle. A victory over a legend who has had Brock’s number in the past. That could set Riddle up as a credible opponent for ‘The Beast.’

That’s all before you even factor in Riddle’s legitimate MMA credentials. The guy has an 8-3 UFC record. Plus there’s the fact that he looks like he was created in a lab powered by Vince McMahon’s wet dreams. You’ve got to think Riddle will have caught McMahon’s eye and will be picking up some ‘Original Bromance’ vibes from the chairman real soon.


Chris Chopping is a writer, YouTuber and stand up comedian. Check out his channel at YouTube.com/c/chrischopping. His dream job would be wrestling Manager and he’s long since stopped reading the comments section.... Follow him @MrChrisChopping on Twitter.