10 Superstars WWE Have Elevated In 2021

1. Damian Priest

Riddle Raw Talk

2021 should have buried Damian Priest.

After being mauled by Karrion Kross in NXT, Priest jumped to the main roster in January and had a good showing at the Royal Rumble. But what followed somehow hasn't had any impact on the man's rise or popularity.

Working extensively with Bad Bunny, he teamed with the celebrity at WrestleMania in a successful match against John Morrison and The Miz, who he then faced off with amongst an army of zombies. Yes, you heard that right. At WrestleMania Backlash, Damian Priest and The Miz were surrounded by zombies, who they fought off until The Miz was apparently consumed by them.

It was pure WrestleCrap and less than six months into his main roster run, Priest should have been cooked.

But he wasn't. In fact, he has proven incredibly Teflon to bad booking and his stock has risen with every passing month. His hard-hitting rivalry with Sheamus saw Priest take the US Title at SummerSlam and he has dallied with the main event on a few occasions.

The man is effortlessly cool, has a killer look and can hit some impressively athletic moves. If there was one superstar you had to pick for having the most career-defining year, you'd be hard-pressed to look elsewhere.

Also, Priest wouldn't be a bad shout for the 2022 Royal Rumble. Just saying.

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Matt Riddle
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A wrestling fan for over two decades, a proud father of an awesome little girl. Am also an international best selling independent author of mindless action novels!