10 Superstars WWE Have Elevated In 2021

2. Riddle

Riddle Raw Talk

It feels like WWE have gotten Riddle despite themselves.

Leaning way too heavily on Riddle's documented love of a good smoke, his 2020 run on the main roster turned him from a highly-skilled, laid back bro into a complete idiot. A bumbling fool who scoots around backstage, trying to insert the word "bro" into everything.

The early part of 2021 didn't fare much better, although Riddle did capture the WWE United States Championship from Bobby Lashley, who was in the process of failing upwards. However, the wrestling community was pleased to see Sheamus kick Riddle's head off at WrestleMania to take the belt.

That felt like a defining moment for Riddle, yet somehow, his idiotic shtick has caught on with the return of live crowds. Furthermore, his long pursuit of Randy Orton's friendship became the most over part of Raw for a long while. RK-Bro has been an undoubted success for both men and the WWE, and the much-maligned creative team deserve credit for not jumping the gun.

The Randy Orton heel turn feels inevitable at some point, but there is still juice in this act and Riddle is squeezing every drop of it. Despite being portrayed as an idiot, there is no denying the man is one of the biggest parts of most Monday nights.

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Matt Riddle
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A wrestling fan for over two decades, a proud father of an awesome little girl. Am also an international best selling independent author of mindless action novels!