10 Talents TNA Totally Dropped The Ball With

4. Desmond Wolfe

Everyone was so excited when TNA signed Nigel McGuinness. A very talented, young man finally getting his break into the more mainstream wrestling scene. Nigel was previously signed by WWE but failed a pre-screening physical test and was let go by the company. So fans already went through a failed run in the big time so there was much worry over how TNA would €œruin€ him. However Nigel debuted as Desmond Wolfe and instantly was propelled into a feud with Kurt Angle. The feud with Angle was the best possible way to debut Desmond. Not to mention, the first few times they met, Desmond would beat Angle including one win via referee stoppage. Their matches at Turning Point and Final Resolution were considered classic too. Desmond feuded with D€™Angelo Dinero and Fortune before finally teaming with Magnus. Desmond and Magnus, otherwise known as London Brawling, were a great tag team. They both could put on a good match, their styles blended well together, and their charisma was off the charts. Unfortunately as the team was getting hot, Desmond tested positive for Hepatitis B and would be released from the company. It is such a shame to see that happen to such a talented man with tons of potential. Who knows where Desmond would be now in TNA had that not happened. While this one isn€™t technically on TNA, they still dropped the ball with him after his debut feud with Angle.

Katy Chef has been a lifelong wrestling fan. Chef has written for previous wrestling websites such as a TNA News website and Ringsidenews.com