10 Terrible Managers From WWE's Past

8. Teddy Long

momma benjamin

Before his worrying fetish for booking tag team matches was revealed to the world during his time as General Manager of Smackdown, Theodore Long began his career as a referee. Eventually he would be implemented in storylines making calls that benefited certain heels on the roster. This character soon led to a turn as a manager, originally in the NWA and then WWE.

Long's list of clients include Jazz, D'lo Brown, Rodney Mack, Mark Jindrak, and Mark Henry. Despite having some talented superstars to work with, Long was never an enigmatic speaker and his character would soon boil down to race fuelled catchphrases and bumbling boasts that did nothing for the superstars he was meant to be enhancing.


I, Tom the Scourge of Carpathia, the Sorrow of Moldavia, command you! Norfolk based wrestling and movie fan with a tendency to love the ludicrous. You can follow me on twitter @marriott118 and tell me why I am wrong, wrong, WRONG!