10 Terrible Wrestling Gimmicks You Secretly Love

3. The Fiend

Baron Corbin Sad Bum Ass

This could be a controversial choice.

Let's clear something up straight away: Bray Wyatt’s alter ego idea wasn’t terrible, but WWE’s handling of it was. It isn't unfair to predict that nobody other than Bray himself properly understood what 'The Fiend' was supposed to represent, or how to squeeze the best from a nightmarish abomination lurking in Wyatt's mind.

Things started well enough, but it wasn't long until Bray's 'Fiend' was wrecking Hell In A Cell with one of the worst finishes ever or jobbing out in quick squashes to Bill Goldberg. Then, there was the melted offshoot triggered during a feud opposite Randy Orton. The bad definitely outweighed the good with 'The Fiend'. Sorry, but it's true.

Regardless, people have a lot of fondness for the gimmick. Why? Well, it's probably because Bray's creativity came to the fore, and 'cause 'Fiend' was something supernatural and different for WWE's product in 2019. Was 'Fiend' terrible? That's a matter of opinion, but there's no denying the affection fans have for Wyatt's inventiveness.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.