10 Terrible Wrestling Gimmicks You Secretly Love

4. ‘Stone Cold’ Is Delusional

Baron Corbin Sad Bum Ass

Steve Austin wishes he'd called an audible and hit Vince McMahon with a stunner at WrestleMania X-Seven instead of "shaking hands with the devil". Going heel was a risky move, one that the WWF never felt totally comfortable with. They'd turn 'Stone Cold' back into a romping, stomping badass by the end of 2001, but...

...was delusional heel Austin really that bad?

People dump on it today, but then turn around and share footage of Steve going the comedy route in hilarious backstage skits with McMahon, Kurt Angle and Debra. The cowboy hat stuff, all that guitar playing, not needing "no stinking badges" - it was all incredibly entertaining and added a fresh wrinkle to Austin's character.

Throughout, writers weaved in not-so-subtle suggestions that the former rebel was simply losing his mind and was suffering through an identity crisis. Check out the promotional build up towards Unforgiven '01 for more on that. Fans weren't gutted when Austin returned to his roots, but his heel days are unfairly criticised.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.