10 Terrible Wrestling Matches (That Should Have Been Great)

2. Dean Ambrose vs. Brock Lesnar (WWE WrestleMania 32)

Brock Lesnar Dean Ambrose WrestleMania 32

The devil-may-care attitude of Dean Ambrose has seldom been set free in WWE.

WrestleMania 32 represented a chance to change that. Against Brock Lesnar, a man WWE had booked to destroy The Undertaker's streak, dismantle John Cena and run roughshod over everything in his path, Ambrose needed to bring back the hardcore stylings he had shown when working as Jon Moxley on the independent scene.

The build towards Ambrose vs. Lesnar at 'Mania 32 hinted he would. Interactions with Mick Foley and Terry Funk showed a wild-eyed Dean pondering just how far he'd go to beat Paul Heyman's unstoppable force. Then, the bell rang and Brock hurled Ambrose around like this was a 2002 episode of Velocity. All that hype about what weapons Dean might use (including a chainsaw) boiled down to Brock treating him like a jobber for 13 minutes before winning.

Congratulations, WWE, you successfully managed to take Dean's psychopathic characteristics and make them look tame.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.