10 Terrible Wrestling Matches You MUST Watch!
Kennels, Chambers, Crown Jewels, and other hilarious WWE, WCW, and TNA horror shows.

This list is a celebration of wrestling's so-bad-they're-actually-incredible moments, not a condemnation.
Accidental entertainment is still entertainment - and the matches within bring more of it than any number of drab, "well-worked" midcard plodders. Was Steve 'Mongo' McMichael a better wrestler than Alberto Del Rio? Absolutely not, but nine times out of ten, he was infinitely more fun to watch. The now-defunct @ThatsOurMongo did a great job of highlighting this for the social media generation.
Pro wrestlers, for the most part, are highly skilled performers playing a life-or-death game with only the slimmest margins of error and safety. They are at the mercy of their own human imperfections as well as the bookers and producers responsible for piecing their matches together. Trainwrecks happen, because of course they do, and the derailment is often as entertaining as any ****+ main event.
The matches listed here cover WWE, WCW, TNA, and beyond. Some fell apart as the bell rang, while others never stood a chance in the first place. Each demands a rewatch, particularly in this era where everything is micro-analysed, over-scrutinised, and taken far too seriously.
Enjoy these beautiful disasters...