10 Terrible WWE Religious Gimmicks

7. Dustin Runnels

The man most commonly known as Goldust might seem a strange figure to feature on a list of religious gimmicks, considering his initial run as the epitome of sexual deviancy. He was a human checklist of things designed to make the religious conservative uncomfortable and furious in equal measure. He possessed a wandering sexuality, and appeared to indulge in a variety of hedonistic activities with his various ladies, Terri and Luna. As the Artist Formely Known As Goldust he would push the lines of taste even further, wearing grotesque face paints, lingeries, dog leashes, ball gags and every trick in the filth peddler playbook. Then he made an abrupt character change, claiming to have found Jesus. He reverted to his real name, Dustin Runnels, and dispelled all of his sexual accoutrements. He was the quintessential Evangelical christian convert, making it his mission to convert the crowds before the End Times came upon them. He would pray before his matches and urge the audience into embracing the Lord. Naturally, he was despised for it. The character ended up garnering 'X-Pac heat', the sort of negative reaction the crowd have when they just want the character they're booing to go away, rather than approving of their villainy. He began to walk through the crowd with signs that read 'HE is coming back', which fans initially thought was about Jesus, but turned out to be the Goldust persona making a more than welcome return.
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Adam is a sports writer, comedian and actor, currently living in London.