10 Terrible WWE Religious Gimmicks

6. The Undertaker

It feels somewhat wrong to have the Undertaker on a list of terrible things, but truth be told, his Ministry of Darkness phase, when he became essentially the Dark Prophet of his own religion was really, really uncomfortable. He crucified Stone Cold Steve Austin, attempted to embalm him alive, hanged the Big Bossman, crucified Stephanie McMahon with the intention of marrying her in a 'dark wedding', slit Dennis Knight's wrists with a dagger, thereby sacrificing his soul, he flogged Christian and left a burning symbol on Vince McMahon's lawn. It was all really strange and gruesome. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nttaz5jaEpA The WWE opened up their 'My First Satanic Playbook' and enacted them all, one by one, with the glee of a young boy tearing off a fly's wings. While it was certainly unique, and spawned countless imitations of the satanic demon gimmick, the supernatural angle was so mad and convoluted and ultimately bewildering (the unmasking of The Undertaker's Higher Power being a particular low point), that it's all a little cringeworthy to look back and rewatch. The latter incarnations of the Deadman found a better ratio of wrestler : supernatural entity.
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Adam is a sports writer, comedian and actor, currently living in London.