10 Terrible WWE Storylines One Tweak Away From Excellence
This might have actually worked, if...

Wrestling, when it's the best thing, is the best thing.
WWE for many - your writer included - stands to be the best of the best thing. It's the promotion that typically (though not always) finds the fan beofre the fan finds wrestling. A first glimpse at what wrestling is, how it could be and precisely why so many others get their kicks from it.
Something happened at some point for Vince McMahon to produce a match or moment that interfere enough with your hard-wiring to want more of it. It mattered not that the next segment didn't quite manage it, or the one after that, or the one after that...but what about the next one?
It's unfortunately why it becomes a dragon permanently chased by fans that get hooked on the hit young. That first blast of Hogan or Warrior or Hart or Michaels or Austin or Rock or Cena or Batista or Punk or Reigns or Lynch at a tender and impressionable age is a blast of colour beyond the neon gear or downed beer or boo-drowned cheer. It's real. It's an immediate want to invest, be it financial or emotional. It's a high. It's why anybody tunes in the following week.
10. The Usos Vs The Revival (2019)

The Young Bucks and The Revival used the potential quality of an eventual doubles duel between the pairing as an excuse for a game of Twitter tennis once upon a time (before finally making it happen in AEW), but Scott Dawson and Dash Wilder had (at least) one match on the main roster that could have been greater-than-or-equal-to a potential clash with the Jacksons.
In The Usos, the former NXT Tag Team Champions has a pair that matched their stupendous psychological chops as a team whilst also offering a totally different physical dynamic thanks to their unique hybrid in-ring style. Jimmy and Jey had main card matches with The New Day as celebrated as The Revival's NXT classics with DIY and American Alpha. What could possibly go wrong in the shower cubicle or up Dash and Dawson's ringpieces?
One Tweak: (Super) Kick out the comedy.
So often in WWE, the matches make up for the miserable storytelling but can anybody remember an Usos/Revival banger akin to any of the combinations mentioned above? Can anybody remember anything beyond the shaving and the heels shuffling across the ring like dogs addressing anal irritation? Can anybody beyond Vince McMahon justify why one thing happened rather than the other?