10 Terrifying Wrestling Attacks That Came From The Crowd
7. Randy Orton (WWE House Show, July 30th 2013)
A scary situation that could have been even worse, Randy Orton's odd experience with a ringside invader at very least speaks to the enduring heat he's developed with audiences over the two decades he's been a fixture on television. But as always, the middle of the ring was no place for a fan to express that as they did back in 2001.
As 'The Legend Killer' struck his familiar pose in the corner, the fan at this 2013 Cape Town house show decided to run in and nail a very-pro-wrestling-looking low blow. It didn't leave enough of an impact for Orton not to try and deck him immediately afterwards, but the pair were broken up by the hoards of security that quickly dealt with the situation.
Orton himself seemed to take it all in his stride, particularly in comparison to how he was known for handling good things at his emotional worst.