10 Things All Wrestling Fans Thought As Kids

Doink The Clown is totally a clown who wrestles, right?

Wrestling Isnt Real The world is unique through the eyes of a child, and if you were to ask any adult if they'd like to revisit things from their childhood, the likelihood is they'd nod their heads in agreement. Everything was bigger, more vivid, and the impressionable minds of people as kids were shaped by the things around them. That old familiar phrase, 'taking things with a pinch of salt' - meaning, don't immediately believe everything you see or are told - didn't really come into play. Kids look on in wide-eyed wonder at most things around them. The world of professional wrestling is no different, something which is important to remember when so many fans are slating John Cena's kid-friendly antics, or the wrestling industry in general. Of course, it's all relative now. As adults, most people expect wrestling to have aged with them, but that isn't necessarily the case. Looking back to those formative years, people viewed the business of grappling in an entirely different light, almost more innocently. This list aims to explore, in a light-hearted way, some of the more common feelings young wrestling fans had about the pro wrestling industry, and how it all seemed so magical, wacky and colourful.
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.