10 Things All Wrestling Fans Thought As Kids

10. Every Wrestler Was On The Same Level

Nowadays, it's fairly common knowledge that there's a pecking order in wrestling. For example, to give things a modern spin, John Cena is on a completely different level to Fandango. That in mind, growing up, most wrestling fans were under the impression that every single member of the roster was capable of beating any other. Perhaps that's a glowing appraisal of the way the then-WWF and other companies presented things, but it's likely more down to the more innocent tendencies in the brain of a child. After all, these guys and gals are all larger-than-life, huge Superstars, so it's totally plausible that Boris Zhukov could beat Hulk Hogan on Wrestling Challenge, right? Obviously, growing up somewhat changes your perceptions, and allows you to revisit those days of yore with a fresh outlook. During that main event squash match, Koko B. Ware had no chance of beating top heel, 'Macho King' Randy Savage, but kids really felt like it could happen. And why not? Credit to announcers like Gorilla Monsoon and Bobby 'The Brain' Heenan for selling that old 'Anything Can Happen In The WWF' marketing slogan, pushing it to the hilt and ensuring that even the most lowly of jobbers had a chance in the minds of impressionable youth.
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.