10 Things All Wrestling Fans Thought As Kids

9. Wrestlers Dressed Like Their Characters All The Time

To a young kid, there is no real separation between fantasy and "real life". If there is somewhat of a distinction, it isn't much of one - to most children, what you see is what you get on television. Bad guys in movies must be really like that away from the cameras, and such a thought process extends to the wrestling business. The baddies in wrestling must be horrible people in real life, and the goodies are holier than thou, simply incapable of being anything other than stand up citizens. Wrestling has long been known for being almost a variation of live theatre, and thus the costumes and props used reflect that - just take a gander at the latest set for Wrestlemania to see that pantomime sensibilities are taken very seriously in this particular form of entertainment. Outfits and image are extremely important in wrestling, and to children, that's just the way these people dress. Razor Ramon totally walked around wearing a technicolour vest, gold chains draped around his neck, and Ric Flair passed through customs at airports around the globe in his beautiful sequined robes (let's face it, that one isn't stretching the truth too much!). When you were a kid, the thought of bumping into Hulk Hogan when out shopping with your parents, and seeing him wear regular clothes, was unthinkable.
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.