10 Things All Wrestling Fans Thought As Kids

4. Anybody Could Win The Royal Rumble

Looking at the field of each Royal Rumble match, there's a maximum of three or four wrestlers (if you're lucky) who could feasibly be fully believable winners. To that point, looking at the 1995 Rumble, there were probably less than that - Shawn Michaels and maybe Davey Boy Smith were the only ones who looked anywhere close, even previous top-liners, like Lex Luger, weren't seen as being credible winners. However, that's looking back at things in retrospect, but at the time it seemed like even Kwang, Timothy Well or Bushwhacker Luke could leave with that precious WWF Title match at Wrestlemania to look forward to. The advent of a Heavyweight Title opportunity at 'Mania likely did narrow the field somewhat for the Rumble, making it only plausible that a handful of wrestlers could leave victorious, but that didn't matter much to children. The Royal Rumble was presented as every man for himself, and a game of chance. If the aging Dory Funk could somehow draw #30, he'd have the best chance of winning, no? Well, no, because there's no way Vince McMahon was going to make the main event of Wrestlemania Dory Funk vs. Shawn Michaels, or something like that, but youngsters truly believed anybody could shock the world during the Rumble.
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.