10 Things You Didn't Know About WWE In 2002

6. The Un-Americans Refuse To Get Haircuts (And Are Disbanded)

Although a lot of their actions were blatantly designed to provoke the cheapest of cheap heat, The Un-Americans (Lance Storm, Christian and Test) were a pretty effective stable in 2002. So effective, in fact, that they began feuding with self-professed American Badass The Undertaker in the summer. Test lost his big SummerSlam showdown with the Dead Man, of course, but it didn't derail the Un-American's momentum. The group threatened to burn the American flag on several occasions in September, leading to multi-man matches against patriots Booker T, Goldust, Kane and Bubba Ray Dudley. The group added a new non-Canadian member to their ranks that month in the form of William Regal. It was around this time that WWE noticed that, hey, Regal and Storm have similar short haircuts, wouldn't it be great if Test and Christian shaved their long locks as well? Test vehemently protested and then refused to go through with it. As a result The Un-Americans were shelved and Test began residing in the doghouse. Regal and Storm continued teaming while Christian formed a short-but-memorable tandem with Chris Jericho. Jim Ross has claimed in the past that the reason that the group were disbanded was because all of the members (bar Regal) were afraid of the heat they would generate but that sounds like a load of old rubbish. The irony of all of this? Test and Christian (who apparently didn't object to the buzz cut) both voluntarily got short hairstyles when they were in the midst of singles pushes just a few months later. And you know what? They looked better for it.
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Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...