10 Things You Didn't Know About Christian

4. Creative Name Choice

Deciding on a name as a wrestler can be a difficult experience, it€™s important to get it right otherwise you might spend your career with a name like Test or Bastion Booger. Some wrestlers are blessed with great wrestling names from birth like Richard Fliehr, while sometimes all it takes is a loved one to tell you to drink your tea before it goes €œstone cold.€ Christian (real name Jay Reso) looked to Hollywood for his wrestling name, as opposed to Edge who went with by the genius €œSexton Hardcastle€ to begin with. Taking inspiration from two of the biggest stars of the nineties, the future Captain Charisma found his name. The €œChristian€ part of the name comes from Christian Slater, star of True Romance, Interview With The Vampire and Robin Hood: Price of Thieves. The €œCage€ part of his full ring-name comes from beloved oddball Nicolas Cage, who hadn€™t quite descended into madness by the mid-to-late nineties.

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