10 Things You Don’t Know About WWE In 1996

6. Bret Hart Wrestled Internationally During His Hiatus

Everybody remembers the hiatus Bret Hart took after losing the WWF Championship to Shawn Michaels at Wrestlemania 12 in the Ironman Match. Bret wouldn€™t appear again on television until October of that year, taking time off to rest up and act in the Lonesome Dove television show. However, Bret didn€™t completely take a hiatus from the ring. Proving that he truly cared about his international fanbase, Bret continued to wrestle when the WWF made their trips overseas. In early May, Bret joined the WWF on their tour of Kuwait, wrestling against Steve Austin, Owen Hart, Davey Boy Smith, and€Leif Cassidy? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l3VaxY_r-jE Then in September, a month before he would return to television, Bret again joined the WWF on their tour of South Africa, primarily wrestling against Davey Boy Smith. On the main show, which was broadcast on South African television, Bret wrestled Steve Austin in a precursor to their Survivor Series match. Bret€™s desire to perform for his international fans added a twinge of authenticity to his 1997 role of heel in the United States but babyface everywhere else.

Justin has been writing about professional wrestling for more than 15 years. A lifelong WWE fan, he also is a big fan of Ring of Honor.