10 Things You Don't Know About WWE In 1997

2. Mick Foley (And Others) Were Ready To Quit After The Montreal Screwjob

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D66bz01zNJk Many people know that Bret Hart was not the only one to leave the WWF in the immediate aftermath of the Montreal Screwjob. His brothers-in-law The British Bulldog and Jim Neidhardt followed him out the door to WCW, with WCW paying the WWF $150,000 to buy out the contract of the Bulldog. But those two weren€™t the only ones who were considering leaving because of the double-cross. As Mick Foley pointed out in his first autobiography, Mankind: A Tale of Blood and Sweatsocks, he seriously considered leaving the WWF after the Screwjob, believing that Vince couldn€™t be trusted. Mick did not appear on the following night€™s Raw, but did appear the following night for the November 17 Raw taping. Foley hinted that he wasn€™t the only one who felt that way, bringing up The Undertaker (who did work the following night on Raw) as one of the main voices of dissension. If Foley had made good on his desire to quit the company, we may never have gotten the WWF Title wins in 1999, and Foley may never had become the Hardcore Legend.

Justin has been writing about professional wrestling for more than 15 years. A lifelong WWE fan, he also is a big fan of Ring of Honor.