10 Things Everybody Gets Wrong About ECW

2. "Hide The Negatives, Accentuate The Positives"

Raven ECW

The sub-heading to this entry has long been considered a key part of Heyman's game plan. If a promoter can mask shortcomings and tart up strengths, then talent will theoretically swim rather than sink in front of the audience. It's a sound plan, and one that Heyman has been called a master of, but it wasn't always true of his ECW roster.

Take Raven, for example. He was the kind of talent that could wrestle, brawl, talk and was smart enough to work on the fly when sensing the crowd wanted something different. He definitely wasn't someone who needed booking that'd hide his limitations. Raven, especially in ECW, was a world class worker.

This "Hide weaknesses, accentuate positives" (sometimes said the other way round) mantra has become phoney law when fans revisit ECW's glory days. It shouldn't be taken as gospel for everyone who was on the roster - only some who actually needed to cover up their deficiencies.

Raven, Mick Foley and Rob Van Dam were all great without need for that heralded blanket booking style.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.