10 Things I Hate About Dolph Ziggler

7. He Won't Shut Up

Nick Nemeth is an Olympic level interview... but Dolph Ziggler is only a national level promo. There's a weird disconnect between the two which I've never been able to understand, given that he has experience doing improv and stand-up, and is clearly a natural talker. Perhaps it's just the fact that WWE's promo material is so scripted, and Nemeth gets more of a kick out of doing his own stuff off the cuff. And that's been getting him into trouble for years now. Nemeth's interviews are beginning to get a reputation for self-burial. He'll whinge about his spot on the card, not completely in-character (or at least not enough that he can kayfabe his way out of the doghouse). He'll casually, cheerfully slag off people higher up the card, he'll claim - again, mostly out of character - that he's delivering the best matches on the show, every show. Given his talent for giving quality interviews, its no surprise that WWE elect to use him to do media to promote local shows as they travel the loop - but it's fairly clear that his lack of a filter and breezy, careless approach to office politics aren't doing his position on the card any favours. If only Nick Nemeth would learn to keep his trap shut, Dolph Ziggler might be on his first WWE Championship run by now. God knows the roster is thin enough and Ziggler is talented enough that there should be a semi-permanent spot open in the upper midcard for him.

Professional writer, punk werewolf and nesting place for starfish. Obsessed with squid, spirals and story. I publish short weird fiction online at desincarne.com, and tweet nonsense under the name Jack The Bodiless. You can follow me all you like, just don't touch my stuff.