10 Things I Hate About Dolph Ziggler

6. His Finisher Is The Worst

Taken out of context, the Zig Zag - a jumping reverse bulldog - is actually a perfectly fine finishing move, especially for a wrestler like Ziggler who leaps and jumps like he's collecting coins on Super Mario Bros. He can hit it fast and out of nowhere, and there's no reason why it can't have the same kayfabed impact as the RKO. But that's the problem, isn't it? The RKO is a finishing move protected from on high by the prince of darkness himself. It's been made a legit match-ending move through careful, consistent booking and selling - it comes at a definitive point in the layout of a match, and if a wrestler doesn't sell the RKO correctly, they're in line for a pasting from their match's producer and maybe even a patented VKM cussing out. Similarly, the announce team sell the RKO like it's grim death, game over. It's so protected by the company that, arguably, Randy Orton's finisher is more over than Randy Orton himself is. The Zig Zag should be Ziggler's version of the RKO, but it's been sold to us as a nothing move for so long that it can't possibly be rehabilitated now. What's more, wrestling fans have become used to 'Ziggler's Zig Zag Zucks' posts online for so many years that it's an established part of the conversation about the character. It always comes in three parts: i) Dolph Ziggler sells like he's on commission, ii) he deserves a consistent push, and iii) his finish is lame and now that Shawn Michaels is retired he should take on the superkick. What does all that mean? As a result of the above, in a staggering self-fulfilling prophecy the Zig Zag actually is a lame finish, and Ziggler actually does need a new one. The superkick might even be a great choice, if literally everyone on the roster didn't use it as a transitional move. Christ knows what Ziggler should replace it with at this late stage in his career though, especially since...

Professional writer, punk werewolf and nesting place for starfish. Obsessed with squid, spirals and story. I publish short weird fiction online at desincarne.com, and tweet nonsense under the name Jack The Bodiless. You can follow me all you like, just don't touch my stuff.