10 Things It Turns Out CM Punk Was Right To Say About WWE

3. CM Punk Versus Sting Would've Been Dumber Than Punk Versus Nash Ever Was

There's a good reason to believe that Seth Rollins is just cosplaying as CM Punk these days. As well, there's good reason to believe that Seth's doing all of the work that Punk thought was BS and smiling politely while doing it. Most significant is the fact that akin to CM Punk feuding with Kevin Nash, Sting is currently feuding with Seth Rollins (and not publicly complaining about it). Let's be thankful that Seth Rollins isn't as quick with the pipebombs as CM Punk. Let's also note that Rollins is probably much less of a corporate liability than Punk and isn't quite as likely to drop said pipebombs on Sting. Now, let's imagine what a CM Punk promo on Sting would sound like. Once we do that, let's all either laugh mightily or breathe a huge sign of relief that this feud will thankfully never happen.
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CM Punk
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Besides having been an independent professional wrestling manager for a decade, Marcus Dowling is a Washington, DC-based writer who has contributed to a plethora of online and print magazines and newspapers writing about music and popular culture over the past 15 years.