10 Things Keeping WWE Alive Right Now

9. Mainstream Attention

WWE has made a point in the last year or two to really develop its brand and get more mainstream outlets covering the product. With the edgy infusion of NXT, magazines like Rolling Stone often do WWE-related articles on their website or interview current stars on the rise and chart their success. Rolling Stone€™s website gets mammoth amounts of hits on a daily basis and WWE being associated with that brand gives them a cool factor they maybe didn€™t have before.

When Jonathan Coachman left WWE a few years ago and ended up at ESPN, it was unlikely The Coach would ever go back to WWE. But thanks to Michelle Beadle often attending WWE shows and covering the company on Sportscenter, that opened the door for Coach to pitch ESPN something a little bit more regular in the way of WWE coverage.

Now, every Tuesday on Sportscenter, a WWE star does a brief interview with Coach, a fluff piece on what they€™re up to in the storyline and a couple of sports-related questions to appease the regular viewers of ESPN. This level of mainstream press from an outlet like ESPN is huge for WWE and, at the very least, will make more people aware of their product.


Kenny is a successful podcast host with Inside The Ropes, promotes exciting Q&A events in the UK with the likes of Sting and DDP, has interviewed the big guns like Foley, Jericho, Bruno and Austin and enjoys cheese a great deal.