10 Things Keeping WWE's 'Reality Era' A Fantasy

8. The Announce Team

We could talk about the disgusting energy drinks they pretend to drink or the endless commercial reads they do, but more disturbing than that is what they aren€™t doing. They aren€™t calling the match. RAW begins every week with a dialogue heavy opening segment. If it weren€™t for the sporadic cries of €œis it enough!€ you€™d be forgiven for thinking you were watching a panel show for these fifteen minute melodramas. It€™s important to thread a narrative through the show but too many replays and too much dialogue is focused on so few of the players in the show. This results in matches being little more than a backdrop for other events. When they do call matches it€™s like listening to crazy revisionist propaganda. During TLC 2015€™s main event, Reigns punches Sheamus and it is answered with several equal or stronger blows from the Celtic Warrior, who fought on top for a minute or so. This minute was filled, filled, with explosive reactions to Roman Reigns€™ almighty and devastating punch that had little to no effect on his opponent. Okay he€™s their guy but shouldn€™t they call what€™s actually happening? There is a solution for this obstacle. And his name is Mauro Ranallo. But having him only on SmackDown, reduces his affect.
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Eddie is a writer, cinephile, TV fan and wrestling abuse victim from Newcastle. After receiving his film degree in London he returned home to lift boxes in the vein of an 80s montage... It's not as fun as it looks in the films.