10 Things Keeping WWE's 'Reality Era' A Fantasy

7. Social Media

There€™s nothing more cringe worthy than a company trying to dictate the flow of social media (#BX #PacittiClub), especially when you€™re trending in a way you might not like (#F**kKenny). Nobody expects WWE to start filling their tickertape feed with venomous jabs and filthy sailor-talk, but it seems the WWE have exacted far too much control over the accounts of their employees. Little hashtags up in the corner and cherry picked tweets from viewers are like watching your Nan update her first ever Facebook status. Pathetic? Yes, but in an adorable way and something to be encouraged. We aren't expecting any dynamic and subversive uses of social media but it€™d be nice if Vince didn€™t publically roll his eyes at the very mention of his Twitter. The reality is that WWE social media is based on the Kim Jung Un model. The posts are tame, they spin to the point of blatant lying and the superstars feel like they're tweeting from a script. We constantly see any remotely unsafe tweet removed and replaced as quickly as a North Korean world cup team. The company has built and insulated their own reality and are prepared to defend it. Protecting young fans from profanity is one thing but this poop isn€™t fun anymore.
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Eddie is a writer, cinephile, TV fan and wrestling abuse victim from Newcastle. After receiving his film degree in London he returned home to lift boxes in the vein of an 80s montage... It's not as fun as it looks in the films.