10 Things Keeping WWE's 'Reality Era' A Fantasy

4. Format

Twenty minute Authority segments on Roman Reigns are a great way to set the tone for a three hour snooze fest. In a world of MMA press conferences, comic-con panels and guerilla journalism, you may be baffled as to why WWE choose to adopt the turn taking, predictable format of tele-novella. Me too. Having lengthy segments of wrestlers monologuing at each other renders most segments little more than an oily, semi-naked filibuster. Other segments can be broken down predictably into promotion and match segments. We know what€™s coming and when. This division has always existed but never before have storytelling, physical competition and promotion been so compartmentalized. This absolutely kills any illusion of reality. Looking at the guys who stole the Attitude Era business model, the UFC, we see seemingly authentic exchanges under the pretense of a weigh in or press conference. Making their equally divisive conflicts seem spontaneous and genuinely exciting. The reality era cannot begin until RAW feels live and spontaneous. Requiring defined segments does not mean you need a predictable structure within those segments. Nor does it mean you can€™t be smart and multitask. The reality era would benefit from a more fly-on €“the-wall, journalistic presentation as opposed to a staged variety show setup.
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Eddie is a writer, cinephile, TV fan and wrestling abuse victim from Newcastle. After receiving his film degree in London he returned home to lift boxes in the vein of an 80s montage... It's not as fun as it looks in the films.