10 Things Keeping WWE's 'Reality Era' A Fantasy

3. Stick To The Script

Austin 3:16. The dark sermons of Jake Roberts. The Macho madness monologues. These are timeless pieces of history and they have one thing in common. They were not scripted. Don€™t get me wrong, these were by far the best of the bunch and there were naturally some stinkers but is that so terrible? If Big Poppa Pump grabs a mic before the kids are in bed, you€™re in a world of hurt, but very little damage has actually been done in the absence of a script. The reality era could survive scripting, but not only are you relying on an absent third party to deliver truth to the situation, scripting has a devastating byproduct; everybody waits their God damned turn. Nothing can kill a baby face€™s fire or heel€™s credibility in a conversation than both of them standing in patient silence while their foe spits out a convoluted monologue filled with corny callbacks and puns. This happens every week and it€™s so painful. It€™s gotten to the point where the few with the autonomy to adlib actually embarrass those who don€™t. Stephanie McMahon is the prime culprit of this. She frequently gets the better of people she should be losing to. And they€™ll patiently wait while she dresses them down.
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Eddie is a writer, cinephile, TV fan and wrestling abuse victim from Newcastle. After receiving his film degree in London he returned home to lift boxes in the vein of an 80s montage... It's not as fun as it looks in the films.