10 Things Learned From Eric Bischoff's 1994 Timeline Of WCW

2. Bischoff Thinks Jimmy Hart Diminishes Hogan's Appeal

The little tidbits wrestling fans can glean from shoot interviews are often the most fascinating. It seems that Eric Bischoff isn't the biggest fan of Jimmy Hart, because he outright says during the chat that 'The Mouth Of The South' hampers Hulk Hogan's appeal more than helps it. In fact, when the nWo was formed later in 1996, Bischoff was delighted, because he could keep the pair apart on TV. Coming into WCW in '94, Hulk Hogan was flanked by the diminutive manager. Both men had been friends for years, and one of Hart's main roles was acting as somewhat of a road manager for the wrestling star. That's something Eric appreciated, because it kept Hulk happy and ensured he was where he needed to be at all times. That in mind, Bischoff says he would have removed Jimmy as Hulk's on-screen valet if he could have. That decision would have rocked the boat needlessly however, so Hart remained by Hogan's side during his first few years in the promotion. It seems like the idea of Jimmy Hart as Hulk Hogan's manager was a necessary evil for Bischoff.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.