10 Things New WWE Fans Need To Know

9. Kayfabe Is Dead

What Is Wwe

Kayfabe is wrestling jargon for presenting scripted and staged events as real. Wrestling is billed as "sports entertainment" because it has the physicality of sport and the staged nature of television. This concept has always been an important part of the wrestling business because it protects the integrity of the sport. In the old days, wrestlers were known to "live the gimmick". This means that wrestlers were playing their character 24/7 to protect the fact that wrestling is staged.

Now, we all know it is staged but we don't want to see Bray Wyatt take a selfie with Bayley on Instagram. Nor do we want to see that Braun Strowman was a Rosebud for Adam Rose via a TwitPic. Peeling back the curtain too far is a negative on the business. The worst example is in the picture for this listing where HHH scared a child at ringside and then broke character to comfort him. Great sentiment but it is entertainment! We need more real elements in wrestling to make it better. HHH did his job as a mean heel and then blew the payoff because he wanted to "put a smile on the kid's face". That is great for the circus but not for WWE.

Also, while I enjoy the behind the scenes shows that are produced by WWE, it seems at times overkill to show so many happenings behind the curtain. Wrestling fans want to suspend their disbelief; meaning, we want to immerse ourselves in the product we see on screen as to believe that it is real and events are happening organically. It is a shame that WWE doesn't regulate kayfabe and make superstars be more careful in their personal social lives. Kayfabe needs to come back in order to protect the business and its integrity.


Guest hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.