10 Things Only 90s Wrestling Fans Will Understand

1. How Good People Have It Now

mantaur justin credible

Here it is, the grand finale, and the kind of entry that'll make 13-20 year olds roll their eyes.

WWE take a lot of abuse in 2019. Most of it (hold onto your asses, elders) isn't warranted either. Sure, Raw is a three-hour slog and Crown Jewel will probably suck, but the Network is there to prove that the standard of in-ring work is at an all-time high. In 1995, a match like Seth Rollins vs. Humberto Carrillo would've been a rare treat, not a weekly occurrence.

Instead, fans got hokey gimmicks like Mantaur, Aldo Montoya and Thurman 'Sparky' Plugg. Over in WCW, goons like the Dungeon Of Doom were trying to end Hulkamania for good, and the standard of TV fare was depressingly low. There's no point in anyone denying it: the nuts n' bolts of the industry has improved wrestling wise.

It's rare for matches to be definitively bad now, and there's a 'something for everyone' vibe permeating WWE, AEW, Impact, ROH, New Japan, NWA and beyond. Consider this as a closing point: Mabel won King Of The Ring and The Renegade won WCW's TV Title in the same month back in '95. That says it all.


What do you remember most fondly from 90s wrestling fandom? For more retro goodness, check out 10 Shocking Times Older Wrestling Games Did Graphics Better!


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.