10 Things Paul Heyman Wants You To Forget About ECW

4. Terrible Matches

At one time, ECW had Eddie Guerrero, Dean Malenko, Chris Benoit, Steve Austin, and Chris Jericho on their roster. They put on some great matches and ECW laid claim to being the best promotion in the United States in terms of workrate. However, for the majority of their existence, ECW was a blood and guts promotion. While they would have some good matches here and there, the rest of the card was brawling and featured very little wrestling. The danger with running a promotion based off of this type of wrestling is that the matches tend to blend together. If the opening match of the card features six chairshots and both guys bleeding, what makes the match after that any different? A large number of ECW matches were also spotfests. For those of you not up to date on their wrestling lingo, a spotfest is a match requires the high points of the match (or "spots") to be set up with the cooperation of both wrestlers. A TLC match, for example, would be a spotfest. If the match is successful, then the crowd will be going wild. However, if the spots don't hit like they should, you're left with two guys looking like idiots and no wrestling in between the setup of the spots. Seek out the Sandman vs. Sabu in a Stairway to Hell match to see the horror that occurs when a spotfest goes bad.

Mike Shannon hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.