10 Things Paul Heyman Wants You To Forget About ECW

3. Lying To His Wrestlers

Paul Heyman had a special relationship with fans for one reason: He never lied to them. When a performer no-showed an event or left the company, Heyman usually came out before the show and explained the situation to the crowd. Also, any time a surprise was needed, Heyman always delivered. However, his relationship with his employees was much, much different. As documented in the Rise and Fall of ECW DVD, Heyman lied to the wrestlers on almost a daily basis. Heyman lied to them about pay, lied to them about the television deal that he was working on, lied about conspiracies against the company, and generally misled them about everything. By the end of ECW's life as a promotion, wrestlers were owed so much money that they knew they'd never see a penny of it, which leads us into...

Mike Shannon hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.