10 Things Post-WrestleMania 39 Raw Told Us About WWE's Future

9. Some Wrestlers Are Creatively Rooted

Vince McMahon Brock Lesnar Middle Finger

Now, let's get one thing clear first and foremost. This writer is not suggesting that some of WWE's men and women walk away from high-paying jobs that put food on the table for their families. It's always ridiculous when some on Twitter pitch that when they absolutely wouldn't do such a thing themselves.

However, guys like Elias and Mustafa Ali should be worried.

If reports about WWE having a post-WrestleMania roster clear-out are true, then they're likely to be on someone's tentative list. Why else would they be getting squashed flat by Omos and Bobby Lashley (which has already happened one thousand times before for Ali)?

Several, including Eli and Mustafa, badly need a fresh start. No-one could blame those guys for exploring their options outside WWE, and maybe seeing if there's a future in AEW, New Japan, IMPACT or somewhere else.

They're going bloody nowhere on this roster, and that doesn't look likely to change.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.