10 Things Post-WrestleMania 39 Raw Told Us About WWE's Future

7. The Women’s Tag Scene Will Never Improve

Vince McMahon Brock Lesnar Middle Finger

WWE's approach to the Women's Tag-Team Title scene is thus; two singles workers with nothing else going on individually come together randomly > they win some matches > they challenge for the belts > creative loses interest and splits them before moving one or both onto the next temp partner.

It's tedious as all f*ck.

Raquel Rodriguez and Liv Morgan being installed as the latest challengers proves that this formula will never change. WrestleMania's "Showcase", whilst admittedly never called a number one contendership situation, was largely pointless if the losers shoot straight to the top of the ladder for a crack at Becky Lynch and Lita.

This Raquel and Liv combo will be used as little more than a vehicle for the simmering story involving the champs and Trish Stratus. Nothing more, nothing less. They might even win the belts, but...will anyone care long-term? No, not really, because WWE's booking for this division is rubbish.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.