10 Things Post-WrestleMania 39 Raw Told Us About WWE's Future

6. Champ Vs. Champ Is Incoming?

Vince McMahon Brock Lesnar Middle Finger

Check the calendars, because Survivor Series (pre-WarGames rejig) just came early.

OK, not really, but it does seem like WWE fancies booking some sort of Raw vs. SmackDown showdown between Bianca Belair and Rhea Ripley. That'd be a killer match in-ring, but it won't mean much beyond being a rudimentary exhibition unless both belts are on the line.

Rhea getting in Bianca's face and telling her she's coming for her at some stage in the future does add a layer of intrigue to Belair's lengthy reign though. Will creative end Bianca's run and put both female straps on Ripley sooner than some fans might think?

It's possible, so don't rule it out completely. WWE used to adore these brand vs. brand clashes during the final quarter of the year, but they don't have that "brand supremacy" b*llocks to fall back on at Survivor Series anymore, and Raw vs. SmackDown importance has been downplayed recently.

'Two Belts' Rhea might be incoming.

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