10 Things Ric Flair Wants You To Forget About TNA

9. Thanked TNA For Giving Him A Chance

In 2010, Ric Flair still wanted to wrestle, but felt painted into a corner by WWE with their retirement storyline several years prior. During interviews, Flair repeatedly stated that the entire thing had been Vince McMahon's idea, and that he never wanted to hang up the trademark robes and boots. That's all very well and good, but the man wasn't taking into account what fans had made of the entire situation, being suckered in by one of the most convincing retirement speeches ever, only for their hero to start wrestling again the following year. Crash-landing on TNA television in January, 2010, it wouldn't be long before Flair was back inside the ring. For a lot of fans, this represented a step backwards for the man, who had been handed the chance to ride off into the sunset graciously by WWE. Nobody was expecting him never to appear again, but it really did seem like his in-ring career was over, and had fitting closure. Something Flair would likely like fans to forget about his TNA run is that he thanked the company on many occasions for showing faith in his abilities at an advanced age.
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TNA Ric Flair
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.