10 Things That MUST Happen During CM Punk’s WWE Return

9. Triple H Keeps Him On A Short Leash

CM Punk Paul Heyman WWE World Heavyweight Championship

Of course, that's not to say that Punk is a changed man who suddenly mellowed when he put pen-to-paper on that second WWE contract. The guy's AEW run kicked off with similar wholesome vibes and positivity, but things went to shit once backstage in-fighting became more interesting to fans than anything CM was doing on-screen.

Triple H will know he can't let that happen under his watch.

Punk will surely have been warned he'll end up headfirst in a wheelie bin courtesy of Roman Reigns if he starts getting too big for his boots. WWE is a different environment; it's a stricter one, and the kind of nonsense Punk was pulling elsewhere just won't fly anymore.

He'll have to be kept on a short leash, and perhaps regularly reminded of his responsibilities to the machine-like grind of WWE business. Do that, and CM Punk will make oodles of cash to pad both his and the company's bank accounts further.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.