9 Things That Should Have Happened On WCW’s Final Nitro

6. Booker T Drops The US Title To Billy Kidman

Sting The Rock

During the first match on WCW's final ever Nitro show, Booker T defeated Scott Steiner to win both the WCW World and United States Titles. There's little doubt this should have seemed like a much bigger deal, but the double title win was largely glossed over. The change was likely made due to it becoming apparent that Steiner would sit out his AOL/Time Warner contract rather than taking a loss in earnings and signing with the WWF.

Eventually, Booker would meekly hand Kanyon the United States Title on WWF programming. This hardly helped the belt itself look credible, especially if champions could just hand it off to others so that they didn't need to carry the thing around. Things should have been more impactful than that, and it would have started back during that last ever Nitro broadcast.

Billy Kidman was one of the men making the jump over to the WWF, so he could have vanquished Booker later in the program to win the belt. Fans wouldn't have blinked an eye over this, because titles were switching in WCW regularly at that point. It would have ensured that the title wasn't simply given to someone, rather earned by somebody WCW fans had grown to respect.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.