10 Things That Sucked At WWE Royal Rumble 2016

6. Chris Jericho Almost Does It

Last week on RAW Chris Jericho rather bewilderingly billed himself as one of the three main contenders to win the Royal Rumble. Absolutely none of the WWE Universe believed a word that he was saying. And why would they? He's only lost every single match since around 2009... Jericho however, came dangerously close to fulfilling his own prophecy by winning this year's 'longest time spent in the Rumble match' crown, going out 26th and remaining in the ring for 50:50. (Roman Reigns was officially in the match for 59:50, but he spent at least half of that 'receiving treatment') Cue a new debate about WWE relying on old hands and not being brave enough to create new stars... There had been rumours flying round on the internet that Jericho, with his horrible fashion sense and deluded predictions, was now playing an out of touch old man as some weird play on Vince McMahon's perception within the WWE Universe. Sadly, this pipe dream of sorts no longer seems to be the case...
Content Producer
Content Producer

Video & written Content Producer for WhatCulture Wrestling. NCTJ trained journalist. BA Hons, Sports Journalism.