10 Things That Will Happen If Jeff Hardy Returns To WWE

2. The Hardy Boyz vs. The Dudley Boyz vs. The New Day

Straight away, there would be calls for the classic TLC Matches of old to re-air should The Hardy Boyz return. Obviously, the line up could never be the same, because neither Edge nor Christian are currently active on the main roster. Christian could likely still compete, but Edge has long since retired. The New Day would therefore be perfect replacements. At WrestleMania 32, there are certainly worse scenarios than a TLC clash pitting The Hardy Boyz vs. The Dudley Boyz vs. The New Day. The latter unit are supremely over with fans currently, and their credibility is rising with each passing week. Imagine a scenario whereby The Dudleyz won the WWE Tag-Team Titles from New Day, and the pair started trading the belts between them. Both teams could then claim that there's nobody else for them to face off against. This is where The Hardyz would come into things, thus freshening up the scenario and thrilling the fans. Even if The New Day aren't involved, people would be clamouring for another match between The Hardy Boyz and The Dudley Boyz, one which hasn't been seen for years in WWE.
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Jeff Hardy
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