10 Things That Will Happen If Jeff Hardy Returns To WWE

1. His TNA Run Would Be Completely Ignored

Jeff Hardy has won the TNA Heavyweight Title on 3 different occasions. Also in the promotion, Jeff has won the TNA Tag-Team Titles once, and won the 'Bound For Glory Series' in 2012. Should Jeff Hardy sign for World Wrestling Entertainment again, all of those achievements will immediately be ignored. There's no way the company would reference what Jeff has been doing for the past 5 years, TNA aren't that important to them. The announcers may occasionally say that Hardy has wrestled independently, but there will be no mention of Total Non-Stop Action or Impact Wrestling. In many ways, it'll almost be like Jeff's tenure with the promotion never happened. When Christian rejoined WWE in 2009, the same thing happened. Similarly, when Samoa Joe turned up on NXT earlier this year, the commentary staff were forbidden from mentioning those 3 little letters, TNA. That would be exactly the same with Jeff Hardy. Everything else he's been up to, all his outside interests, may be mentioned, but there's no way TNA will. What else do you think might happen if Jeff Hardy rejoins WWE? What do you make of the points raised here? Let us know what you think down in the comments section below!
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Jeff Hardy
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