10 Things That Would Happen If TNA Goes Out Of Business

2. Blood, Sweat And Tears€For Nothing

TNA has never gone without fault, criticism or pessimism. Whatever Dixie Carter and co. do it never seems to appease the masses. Regardless of whether this criticism is valid or not, it would be extremely unfair to overlook all the dedication and hard work that has gone into getting the company where it is now. The work of Jeff Jarrett, Dixie Carter and originals such as AJ Styles, Abyss, James Storm, Christopher Daniels, Low-Ki and Jerry Lynn cannot be taken for granted. After that stars such as Sting, Gail Kim, Samoa Joe and Kurt Angle came in and really helped put the company on the map. There have been just as good high moments as there have been low for TNA. It would be a travesty if the work of all these people and others in the office who go unnoticed would go to waste and live in the archives rather than live on our screens every week.
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Mike Walsh hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.