10 Things That Would Happen If TNA Goes Out Of Business

3. Fans Lose Out

WWE is often criticised for cramming their television down the throats of the audience with the perception being that Vince McMahon believes fans will always come back to the product regardless. TNA offers wrestling fans an alternative to this. Whether it may be displeasure stemming from Daniel Bryan being underutilised or seeing repetitive matches or the Diva€™s being treated as secondary performers, fans can always watch TNA for something different. Without TNA around fans must put up with whatever WWE gives them. In any sport or entertainment show, fans can vote with their feet, or in this case their remote. If enough fans get behind TNA to the point it beings to worry WWE, then they would have to change their approach. Ultimately if TNA folds, us fans lose out.
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Mike Walsh hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.