10 Things That Would Happen If TNA Goes Out Of Business

6. The Industry Gets A Lot Smaller

The wrestling industry does not just comprise of wrestlers, there are all sorts of jobs to be done to ensure the successful running of a company. Referees, agents, an admin team, a creative staff and marketing experts are all needed to make sure the show runs smoothly. With TNA out of the equation, the wrestling industry becomes a much smaller place. Saying this, the independent scene would benefit as there would be a lot more talents available for shows. Then again, a lot of younger and more inexperienced indie talent would be forced to miss out on a lot of opportunities as bookers would be inclined to take on more proven stars and guaranteed draws. Cast your mind back to the wrestling world when WCW was bought out and WWE made a hash of the invasion angle. The whole industry was stagnant, storyline wise and in terms of innovation. TNA was in its inception and did not possess the fan-base to change this in the slightest. You would have to imagine that this would just happen again.
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