10 Things That Would Happen If TNA Goes Out Of Business

5. WWE Loses Its Focus

Possibly the main reason for why the industry, or WWE, succumbed to stagnation during this period is the fact they did not have a serious rival to help them keep their competitive edge. WWE simply lost focused and put out a mediocre product out for years, some will argue they still do. While TNA may not have ever really put the pressure on WWE still gave them something to think about. There are several examples where it is clear that WWE have copied some of TNA€™s ideas. A prime example of this was when Lashley, MVP and Kenny King became a trio and ran wild on TNA. WWE then debuted a stable featuring Big E, Kofi Kingston and Xavier Woods, albeit as a face New Day stable but the intention surely must be to turn them heel. Although they may never admit it, there is enough evidence to suggest WWE keep an eye on TNA€™s moves, they would be silly not too. However, with no TNA about, WWE would be left to motivate themselves to create a great product when we all know from experience their best work comes when they face stiff competition.
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