10 Things That Would Have Happened If The Undertaker Joined WCW

3. Would WCW Still Have Went Under?

By the late-90's, WCW were a company bereft of ideas to challenge Vince McMahon again. The nWo had pretty much come and gone, and there didn't really seem like much else the promotion had up their sleeve to wow pro wrestling fans once more. Going into freefall, the latter portion of 1999 and into the year 2000 were a creative disaster for the company. The big question is, would Mark Calaway have been able to stop the rot, turning the WCW ship around and making them able to compete with the then-WWF again? Make no bones about it, Calaway would have been a truly huge acquisition, and the thought of him jumping to WCW still causes the hairs to stand up on the back of the neck. It's mind-boggling to picture Vince McMahon appearing on the Raw/Nitro simulcast, badmouthing Calaway and effectively firing him in the same way he did Jeff Jarrett. Mind-boggling, but not outside the realms of possibility - had The Undertaker handed in his notice to the WWF, McMahon would have attempted to diminish his aura somewhat, but what if WCW had survived?

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.