10 Things That Would Have Saved WCW In 2000

1. If Vince Russo Didn't Book Product Into Oblivion

Contrary to popular belief, Vince Russo is not the pro wrestling devil. The man clearly has creativity, and his work during the 'Attitude' Era in the WWF simply cannot be ignored. In short, there's merit to his claims that he helped turn the WWF around and overtake WCW. With that in mind, it's understandable that many thought he could reverse proceedings, and get WCW back on track. Sadly, many of the decisions Russo took when in charge of the company made the overall product unwatchable. Unwanted 'shoot' angles featuring the likes of Buff Bagwell and Bill Goldberg did nobody any favours, and constant hot-shotting of title belts devalued them to the point of becoming almost as worthless as the toy counterparts kids were carrying around. Convoluted storylines with no great pay-off, making David Arquette - and himself - WCW World Champion, and general lunacy made the promotion a very tough watch in 2000. Towards the end of the year, Nitro was a program many watched for humour, rather than to become invested in matches, characters of storylines. That reign of terror should have been stopped long before 2000 was finished. What other steps do you feel could have helped save WCW in the year 2000? Do you think the promotion was beyond saving by that point? Let us know what you think down in the comments section!
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WCW Goldberg
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.